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Adding VPixx Hardware to a project

To add a supported VPixx Hardware device to a project, power on your device and connect it to the stimulus PC via USB, according to the instructions in the relevant installation manual.

Detected devices will be listed in the environment and color coded according to their current LM project status.

Right click on the device to see available actions.

  • Name: Device found but not added to a project

  • Name: Device found and added to the project

  • Name (offline): Device associated to the project is not powered on or not connected via USB

  • Name (device reboot required): Device associated with the project has encountered an error that requires restarting the device system.

Error message ‘Device reboot required’ next to the device name.
This error indicates that the device has encountered an issue that requires a restart to be resolved. Resolution: Restart the device according to the instructions in your device’s user manual, for example, by pressing off/on the power button of a DATAPixx3. Note: Do not unplug the device. If the error message disappears and the device operates normally after reboot, the issue is likely resolved.

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