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Data Export

LabMaestro provides users with various choices for exporting their data. Users can select different formats, file types, or data structures that suit their specific analysis needs, making conducting analyses in other applications or software convenient.

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Navigate to the Project Panel, right-click on the Recordings header to find the Export, and open the Data Export dialogue box.

Screenshot from LabMaestro Public Beta 1.6.0

Screenshot from LabMaestro Public Beta 1.6.0

The Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) is LabMaestro’s first supported data export format. BIDS aims to be a simple and easy-to-adopt way of organizing neuroimaging and behavioral data, promoting standardization of data storage and processing within and across laboratories.

Contact if the exported files are not compliant with BIDS Brain Imaging Standard 1.8.0. LabMaestro is under development and may contain errors or omissions as we refine the data exporter.

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