How to read button presses from a RESPONSEPixx
This demo shows how to read and report button presses using the RESPONSEPixx and the digital input log.
from pypixxlib.datapixx import DATAPixx3
from psychopy import core
#connect to VPixx device
device = DATAPixx3()
#First, let's make a dictionary of codes that correspond to our buttons. This is in decimal.
#Note 1: these codes ARE NOT UNIVERSAL. You can check what your own button codes are using the PyPixx Digital I/O demo
#Note 2: these codes are for single button presses only. If two buttons are pressed at the same time this will generate a unique code, which we will ignore
buttonCodes = {65527:'blue', 65533:'yellow', 65534:'red', 65531:'green', 65519:'white', 65535:'button release'}
exitButton = 'white'
myLog = device.din.setDinLog(12e6, 1000)
startTime = device.getTime()
finished = False
#let's create a loop which checks the schedule at 0.25 s intervals for button presses.
#Any time a button press is found, we print the timestamp and button pressed.
#If a designated exit button is pressed, we disconnect.
while finished == False:
#read device status
newEvents = myLog["newLogFrames"]
if newEvents > 0:
eventList = device.din.readDinLog(myLog, newEvents)
for x in eventList:
if x[1] in buttonCodes:
#look up the name of the button
buttonID = buttonCodes[x[1]]
#get the time of the press, since we started logging
time = round(x[0] - startTime, 2)
printStr = 'Button pressed! Button code: ' + str(x[1]) + ', Button ID: ' + buttonID + ', Time:' + str(time)
if buttonID == exitButton:
finished = True
#Stop logging