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How to verify the chromacity and luminance of the colors of your device using i1Device

Most of our devices come calibrated as D65, but if you want to verify the calibration or get a specific value for a colour/brightness, you can use the i1Display and i1Pro modules.

from pypixxlib.i1 import I1Display # We will use an i1Display here

# Initialize the device.
my_device = I1Display()
my_device.setCurrentCalibration('RGB LED') # We will be using a device with RGB LEDs
print 'Current calibration is: ', my_device.getCurrentCalibration() # Verify we have the right calibration

# Set the color/intensity you wish to measure
print 'next acquisition' # Change to the next color/intensity
print 'next acquisition' # Change to the next color/intensity

results = my_device.getAllMeasurement() # Get a list of all measurements
for i in range(len(results)):
    print results[i] # Print the different measurements

my_device.printLatestMeasurement() # If you want to print your latest measurement

my_device.close()  # Close the device.
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