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Introduction to VPixx Python documentation


The Python API for VPixx tools is called pypixxlib. This package includes a series of classes to define our devices. For each possible device there exists a corresponding class. Each device class has a file with corresponding classes for all the devices (ex: has the class VIEWPixx3D).

If you create an object that instantiates a class for a device you have connected, all possible functions attached to the object are guaranteed to work and to be applied on the correct device, assuming the operations are permitted.

If you are programming for something more permissible or if you do not know which device will be used, you can use the _libdpx Wrapper Module, which does not guarantee the functions will work, but does guarantee all the functions will be called on the correct devices if you provide the appropriate commands.

Installing pypixxlib in via command line (all operating systems)

Before users can start using this API, they must ensure that the required material is present. The first step is to verify that Python 3.7 is installed on the computer.

Installing our package is user-friendly and done using pip3.

To enable the use of pip3 from the command line, ensure the Scripts subdirectory of your Python installation is available on the system variable PATH. This might not done automatically. Alternatively, navigate to the Python37/Scripts folder.

Once there, simply install our package as follows:

pip3 uninstall pypixxlib
pip3 install  PATH_TO_FILE/pypixxlib.tar.gz

You are now ready to use Python and combine it with VPixx Technologies high performance systems.

Installing pypixxlib in a third-party Python IDE (all operating systems)

Follow walkthrough video to guide you through the steps.

Installing pypixxlib in standalone PsychoPy (all operating systems)

Follow the walkthrough video to guide you through the steps.

Exploring pypixxlib functions and documentation

Documentation for pypixxlib and libdpx wrapper module can be found here: pypixxlib Documentation.

Useful Demos

A growing library of code demos can be found in this documentation. Please see our Python Demo Library.

Need help?

If you encounter any problems with your VPixx device and our Python API, check out the Python section of our FAQ for helpful tips.

Still stuck? Contact our support team at We will be very happy to provide assistance.


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