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Creating a New Device

You can access the hardware simulator interface from within LabMaestro, by clicking on the Simulator tool in the menu at the top of the window:

The Simulator tool is accessed from within LabMaestro

This will cause a widget to pop up, prompting the user to either load an existing project, or create a new one.

The create/load project widget

Simulator projects are stored as .vpds files. These files save save all assignments, configurations and settings executed in the Simulator. Project files can be shared, so that multiple users may work with the same device parameters.

Once you make changes to your simulated device settings, you can save it to the current project file or to a new project file. The type of device you select cannot be changed in the project settings; this can only be done by creating a new project.

When you are browsing for an existing project, only VPDS files will be shown as loadable.

To create a new device, simply select the device you want to mimic in the welcome screen to load its default settings and you will be brought to the IO configuration default interface.

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