In this guide, we will cover how to present stereoscopic stimuli using the PROPixx projector and DepthQ 3D Polarizer. These two devices can be used together for full-colour stereoscopic presentation at up to 480 Hz (240 Hz/eye). In addition to high-speed presentation, this system has several other advantages, including:
Passive circular filters are plastic and thus MRI, MEG and OPM safe
Custom filter sheets can be purchased to create custom viewing apparati (e.g., for non-human primates)
No specialized graphics card or native 3D support required
Optional custom high-speed sequencer designed in partnership with the NIH to actively manage crosstalk levels, and reduce Pulfrich effects
First, we will consider some general hardware and screen requirements, then discuss our recommended method of preparing stimuli for 3D stimulus presentation. Code examples will be provided where appropriate.
Getting Started: Equipment and Materials
To effectively present 3D stimuli, the DepthQ polarizer must be connected to the VESA 3D port on the back of the PROPixx (pictured below). The polarizer should be placed directly in front of the lens with the arrow pointing away from the projector. Wingnuts on the sizes of the polarizer frame can be used to adjust the height of the polarizing filter so that it aligns with the lens.
The 3D glasses provided along with the polarizer are standard circular polarizing filters. These are the same glasses used for 3D movies at a cinema. If you need a custom lens layout, you can purchase right- and left-handed circular filter material directly from certain manufacturers (for example, here) and cut it to size. Note that when buying filter material, HE indicates left-handed and HER indicates right-handed polarization.
It is normal for the polarizer and glasses to filter some visible light. Average spectral transmission of 30-35% is not uncommon. During luminance tests, VPixx staff scientists noted that inexpensive, commercial 3D filter glasses can vary in transmission rates across units. Users requiring an exact measure of light transmission should take direct measurements using a colorimeter or spectrophotometer, and should not assume measurements generalize across individual pairs of glasses.
Projection screen materials
Typical projection screens are designed for Lambertian light distribution. In other words, they aim to diffuse or reflect light in every direction, thus ensuring 1) equal luminance output across the display surface and 2) wide viewing angles. Unfortunately, this same property severely degrades 3D polarization. In practice, projection screens optimized for 2D use make for poor-quality 3D displays.
Fortunately, specialty ‘silvered’ screen materials exist. These materials prioritize direct reflectance or transmission, preserving polarized light. Silvered screens are often recognizable by their shiny surface and grey coloration (as opposed to the bright white of 2D screens). Below is a side-by-side example:
VPixx Technologies manufactures several screen shapes and sizes for standalone, tabletop and in-bore projection systems. All of our screen models can be fitted with a 3D-optimized screen material.
Due to the non-Lambertian light distribution, 3D screens are more prone to hotspotting (bright spots and uneven luminance), particularly at short projection distances. VPixx Software Tools include a PROPixx calibration routine to correct for hotspotting in these cases; see the section below for details.
Hotspot correction with the PROPixx projector
Due to their polarization preservation qualities, 3D-optimized screens can sometimes display hotspotting or uneven luminance, particularly at short projection distances. To perform a hotspot correction, you will need:
A device which can report the luminance value for specific screen points in cd/m^2, such as a spectrophotometer or colorimeter, and
A Windows computer with LabMaestro 1.7 or later installed
First, ensure your firmware is on the latest version. To do this, open LabMaestro with your device connected, Select the PROPixx device, right-click and select Firmware Update from the side menu. Follow the steps in the widget to complete the update.
After the update, set the PROPixx to the correct projection mode for your layout (e.g., rear projection, ceiling mount projection, desired resolution).
Select the PROPixx from the device menu, right-click and select “Hotspot Correction.” Follow the steps in the widget to complete the calibration.
After the correction is done once, it can be enabled or disabled on any computer via the following methods:
In LabMaestro via device settings (right click PROPixx and select ‘Configuration’)
In MATLAB via the following commands (followed by a register write):
In Python via the PROPixx class (followed by a register write):
setHotSpotCorrection(enable) #set to true or false
If you intend to build your own screen for stereoscopic presentation, we recommend the following flexible screen materials from Stuart FilmScreen, which can be purchased directly from the supplier:
These are the same materials we use in our screens.
Mirrors in the light path
Some projection systems use one or more 45-degree mirrors to redirect the beam of light to the screen. This is common in MEG and MRI facilities, where the projection waveguide may be offset from the screen location. MRI systems also use mirrors mounted on the head coil to allow the participant to view an image on a screen at the head of the bore.
For 3D applications, we recommend all mirrors in the light path be first-surface for the best possible 3D image. That is, the reflective layer of the mirror should be in front of the glass layer, not behind it. This ensures internal reflections within the glass layer do not compromise the polarization.
An easy way to tell if a mirror is first- or second-surface is to place an item against it. If it connects with its reflection, it is a first-surface mirror.
Finally, some eye-tracking systems utilize “hot” mirrors that have an infrared reflective coating. It is strongly advised to avoid using hot mirrors during 3D stimulus presentation, as these are known to disrupt polarization.
Enabling 3D Mode and Formatting 3D Stimuli
There are many ways to format 3D stimuli for presentation. Here we discuss several strategies and when it is best to use them. All of the strategies discussed are supported by the PROPixx; some are more robust than others. At the end of this section, we provide a summary of the different options, their supported refresh rates and their best use cases.
Frame-sequential stereo
In frame-sequential stereo, images are interleaved temporally. Even and odd video frames are presented to the left and right eye, respectively.
Image alternation is controlled manually (e.g., drawing left and right eye images and flipping them one after another) or via dedicated stereo draw buffers alternately sampled during stimulus presentation.
This mode is the default behaviour for a connected 3D Polarizer. It will alternate polarization on subsequent video frames until instructed otherwise, independent of video content.
This method’s biggest advantage is simplicity and ease of implementation; however, it is vulnerable to frame dropping and 3D de-synchronization. As such we recommend a small modification to this method, described in the next section.
Stereo Blue Lines
Stereo Blue Lines are a popular method of explicitly encoding each video frame to target the correct eye. This preserves stereo synchronization even if your system is dropping frames.
Stereo Blue Line is easy to implement:
Organize your stimuli as you would for frame-sequential stereo.
To assign a frame to the right eye: Set the bottom row of pixels in the frame to an intensity greater than mid-grey [128, 128, 128]
To assign a frame to the left eye: Set the bottom row of pixels in the frame to an intensity less than mid-grey [128, 128, 128]
Note images must be full-screen for Blue Lines to work.
Some software will automate Blue Line generation for you. We generally recommend drawing the line yourself. It is simple and ensures you are formatting your video frames correctly.
MATLAB Example
function helloWorld3D()
% Initialize PROPixx
% Initialize Psychtoolbox window
screenNumber = max(Screen('Screens'));
[windowPtr, rect] = PsychImaging('OpenWindow', screenNumber, 0);
Screen('BlendFunction', windowPtr, GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
% Initialize stimuli
helloText = 'Hello';
worldText = 'World';
% Start loop drawing the message
while true
DrawFormattedText(windowPtr, helloText, 'center', 'center', 255);
drawBlueLine(windowPtr, rect, 1);
Screen('Flip', windowPtr);
DrawFormattedText(windowPtr, worldText, 'center', 'center', 255);
drawBlueLine(windowPtr, rect, 0);
Screen('Flip', windowPtr);
[~, ~, keyCode] = KbCheck;
if keyCode(KbName('Escape'))
% Close the Psychtoolbox window
function initializePROPixx()
% All VPixx hardware commands to set the right mode for the PROPixx
function drawBlueLine(windowPtr, rect, frame)
% Helper function to draw lines on the appropriate image
% if Frame = 0 draw right eye blueline
% if Frame = 1, draw left eye no blueline
% Call immediately before flip
if frame == 0
frameColor = [255, 255, 255];
frameColor = [0, 0, 0];
rowStart = [rect(1), rect(4)-1];
rowEnd = [rect(3), rect(4)-1];
Screen('DrawLine', windowPtr, frameColor, rowStart(1), rowStart(2), rowEnd(1), rowEnd(2),2);
Python Example
from psychopy import core, visual
from psychopy.hardware import keyboard
from pypixxlib._libdpx import DPxOpen, DPxClose, DPxWriteRegCache, DPxEnableVidVesaBlueline, DPxSetVidMode
def initializePROPixx():
#All VPixx hardware commands to set the right mode for the PROPixx
def drawBlueLine(win, frame=0):
#Helper function to draw lines on the appropriate image
# if Frame = 0 draw right eye blueline
# if Frame = 1, draw left eye no blueline
#Call immediately before flip
if frame==0:
frameColor = [255,255,255]
frameColor = [0,0,0]
rowStart= [-win.size[0]/2, -win.size[1]/2]
rowEnd =[win.size[0]/2, -win.size[1]/2]
line = visual.Line(
units = 'pix',
interpolate = False, #MUST be set to false
colorSpace = 'rgb255',
lineColor = frameColor,
#Begin Experiment
kb = keyboard.Keyboard()
win = visual.Window(
screen = 1,
monitor =None,
units = "pix"
#Initialize our stimuli
hello = visual.TextStim(win=win, text='Hello')
world = visual.TextStim(win=win, text='World')
#Start a loop drawing our message
while True:
drawBlueLine(win, frame=1)
drawBlueLine(win, frame=0)
keys = kb.getKeys(keyList=['escape'])
if keys:
‘Blue line’ is the name for historical reasons; the line's colour is unimportant. As long as your pixel values are brighter than mid-grey ([128, 128, 128] in RGB255) the 3D assignment will work as intended.
PsychoPy users: Blue Lines must be drawn with interpolation turned off. Otherwise, the pixel values will blend with the background colour and may not trigger proper polarization.
Quad4x3D Mode
If you are using the Quad4x sequencer, a special command will immediately assign each quadrant to a specific eye. Simply enable the mode and ensure you assign the correct stimuli to each quadrant. This method is robust against de-synchronization by frame dropping, because if a frame is dropped all four quadrants are lost, and the next frame will show content in the correct order.
function helloWorld3DQuad4x()
% Initialize PROPixx
% Initialize Psychtoolbox window
screenNumber = max(Screen('Screens'));
[windowPtr] = PsychImaging('OpenWindow', screenNumber, 0);
Screen('BlendFunction', windowPtr, GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
%Initialize quadrants for QUAD4x
quadrants = initializeQuadrants();
% Start drawing loop
while 1
for quadrantID = fieldnames(quadrants)'
quadrantID = quadrantID{1};
% Create text stimulus according to quadrant
if strcmp(quadrantID, 'Q1') || strcmp(quadrantID, 'Q3')
text = 'Hello';
text = 'World';
oldPos = [1920/2, 1080/2]; %center of full screen display
newPos = assignToQuadrant(oldPos, quadrants.(quadrantID));
% Draw text & blueline
Screen('DrawText', windowPtr, text, newPos(1), newPos(2),[255, 255, 255]);
% Flip screen after all four quadrants drawn
Screen('Flip', windowPtr);
%Check for escape
[~, ~, keyCode] = KbCheck;
if keyCode(KbName('Escape'))
% Close window and cleanup
function quadrants = initializeQuadrants()
% Define quadrant parameters
quadrants = struct(...
'Q1', [0, 0], ... % Top left
'Q2', [960, 0], ... % Top right
'Q3', [0, 540], ... % Bottom left
'Q4', [960, 540] ); % Bottom right
function newpos = assignToQuadrant(oldpos, quadrantOffset)
%Helper function to adjust position to quadrant.
newpos = [oldpos(1)/2+quadrantOffset(1), oldpos(2)/2+quadrantOffset(2)];
function initializePROPixx()
% All VPixx hardware commands to set the right mode for the PROPixx
Datapixx('SetPropixxDlpSequenceProgram', 2);
function closePROPixx()
% Return to defaults and shut down
Datapixx('SetPropixxDlpSequenceProgram', 0);
Python Example
from psychopy import visual
from psychopy.hardware import keyboard
from pypixxlib import _libdpx as dp
def hello_world_3d_quad4x():
screenNumber = 1
# Initialize PROPixx, keyboard and window
kb = keyboard.Keyboard()
win = visual.Window(fullscr=True, color=(-1, -1, -1),screen=screenNumber, units='pix')
win.mouseVisible = False
# Define quadrant offsets based on Cartesian coordinates
width, height = win.size
quadrants = {
'Q1': [-width / 4, height / 4], # Top left
'Q2': [width / 4, height / 4], # Top right
'Q3': [-width / 4, -height / 4], # Bottom left
'Q4': [width / 4, -height / 4] # Bottom right
# Main loop for drawing text in each quadrant
while True:
for quadrant_id, offset in quadrants.items():
text = 'Hello' if quadrant_id in ['Q1', 'Q3'] else 'World'
text_stim = visual.TextStim(win, text=text, pos=offset, color=(1, 1, 1))
# Flip to update the screen and check for escape key
# Check for exit key
keys = kb.getKeys()
if 'escape' in keys:
def initialize_propixx():
# Initialize Propixx hardware
def close_propixx():
# Close Propixx hardware and reset
dp.DPxSetPPxDlpSeqPgrm('RGB 120Hz')
# Run the function
Top-Bottom Mode
Top-Bottom mode was introduced in software revision 3.9 (July 2021). In this mode, left and right images are stacked on top of one another in a single double-height image (1920 x 2160 @ 60 Hz), which the system deconstructs and presents to each eye sequentially (1920 x 1080 @ 120 Hz).
This mode was originally designed for use with 3D stimuli designed in Unity and Unreal game engines. However, it may be useful for other high-level stimulus-generation software such as PsychoPy Builder. Because this mode receives left and right eye images on the same video frame from the GPU, there is no risk of de-synchronization of 3D. Occasionally frame drops are not likely to be visible.
To use Top-Bottom mode, you must configure the monitor to accept the 1920 x 2160 resolution using our vputil command-line utility and your display settings.
Configuring your PROPixx for Top-Bottom Mode
First, change the display resolution in our command-line utility, vputil.
Connect the PROPixx to the stimulus computer via USB and video cables. Power on the projector.
In vputil, enter the command edid and hit enter. DATAPixx3 users can enter d3ew instead.
Several resolution and refresh rate options will be presented to you. Select [18] 1920 x 2160 @ 60 Hz and press enter. Repeat this step for the second edid slot. Answer “N” to the NVIDIA question.
Restart your PROPixx.
Verify the correct resolution in your operating system display settings, and ensure scaling is set to 100%.
Restart your experiment software. Some software like MATLAB only check for resolution on startup, and need to be restarted to register a new display resolution.
Note you must repeat these steps with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 @ 120 Hz to return to standard operating mode.
MATLAB example
function PROPixx_TopBottom()
%This demo draws a red and green square in the left and right eye views,
% Initialize Psychtoolbox window
screenNumber = max(Screen('Screens'));
[windowPtr, ~] = PsychImaging('OpenWindow', screenNumber, 0);
% Initialize stimuli - arbitrarily picked a 120 pixel square in center of
% display. Left eye sees red (top image) and right eye sees green (bottom
% image)
leftEyeCenter = [1920/2,1080/2];
leftEyeBox = [leftEyeCenter(1)-60, leftEyeCenter(2)-60,leftEyeCenter(1)+60, leftEyeCenter(2)+60];
leftEyeCol = [255, 0, 0];
% Right eye is shifted down by 1080 plus blanking interval
rightEyeCenter = [1920/2,1080+1080/2];
rightEyeBox = [rightEyeCenter(1)-60, rightEyeCenter(2)-60, rightEyeCenter(1)+60, rightEyeCenter(2)+60];
rightEyeCol = [0, 255, 0];
% Start presentation loop
while true
Screen('FillRect', windowPtr, leftEyeCol, leftEyeBox);
Screen('FillRect', windowPtr, rightEyeCol, rightEyeBox);
Screen('Flip', windowPtr);
%Check for escape
[~, ~, keyCode] = KbCheck;
if keyCode(KbName('Escape'))
% Close the Psychtoolbox window
PsychoPy example
#This demo draws a red and green square in the left and right eye views,
from psychopy import core, visual
from psychopy.hardware import keyboard
#Begin Experiment
kb = keyboard.Keyboard()
win = visual.Window(
screen = 1,
monitor =None,
# Initialize stimuli in top and bottom halves of display
# Remember in PsychoPy, down/left is negative
#Center of left eye image
left_eye_center = [0, 0.5]
# Center of right eye image
right_eye_center = [0, -0.5]
# Create squares for both eyes
left_eye_square = visual.Rect(
right_eye_square = visual.Rect(
# Main loop to draw the squares
while True:
# Check for escape key press
keys = kb.getKeys()
if 'escape' in keys:
# Close the PsychoPy window
PsychoPy Builder example
Implementing Top-Bottom mode in PsychoPy Builder is straightforward. We recommend creating a new monitor in the monitor center, to ensure the proper resolution is used. Open the Monitor center, and create a new display with the correct 1920 x 2160 resolution:
Next, when creating your stimuli, draw images and text as a single double-height image. Images and text directed at the left eye should be placed in the top half of the image, and those directed at the right eye should be placed in the bottom half.
This is a great opportunity to take advantage of PsychoPy’s normalized spatial units. For example, here is the positioning for text presented in the middle of the left eye image:
The same text, presented to the right eye, would be positioned at [0, -0.5].
Unity Example
Coming soon!
RB3D Mode
RB3D Mode is a custom PROPixx sequencer that VPixx designed in partnership with the NIH. This mode uses the red and blue colour channels to specify right and left eye images, respectively; the system converts these to greyscale images presented to the right and left eye in a single video frame via a custom subframe DLP sequencer. Each frame will show the left image at half-intensity for 1.2 ms, full intensity right image for 2.4 ms, and then the left image for another 1.2 ms at half-intensity. The rest of the frame is blank. This results in the same exposure time for both eyes, and prevents bias of which image is projected first or last.
RB3D mode enables active crosstalk correction and eliminates Pulfrich effects.
Crosstalk correction of the left eye image follows the formula:
Where L (initial) is the desired left eye intensity; CrosstalkRL is the proportion that the right eye image ‘leaks’ into the left eye image (default is 0); R (initial) is the desired right eye intensity. L (final) is the left eye value required to achieve the desired left eye intensity, given the measured crosstalk levels.
Similarly, the formula for correcting the right eye is:
Where R (initial) is the desired right eye intensity; CrosstalkLR is the proportion that the left eye image ‘leaks’ into the right (default is 0); L (initial) is the desired left eye intensity, and R (final) is the value required to achieve the desired right eye intensity.
For example, suppose we want to present gray (100 cd/m2) to both eyes. We pass a pixel value equivalent to this intensity to the display. We then measure the left eye output at 103 cd/m2 and the right eye output at 102 cd/m2.
The PROPixx has a fully linear gamma; assuming no other image modifications are being applied by your experiment software (see this guide), we can attribute the additional 3% intensity measured in the left eye to ‘leak’ or crosstalk from the right-eye image. Similarly, the additional 2% intensity in the right eye can be attributed to the leak from the left-eye image. To correct this leakage and actively eliminate this crosstalk in our stimuli, the display adjusts the final output values such that the observed (measured) output is 100 cd/m2 for both eyes.
This transformation is fully automated with the crosstalk correction commands in our APIs. Measure the crosstalk in the left and right eyes, define these values with our API commands, and then program your stimuli as usual. The hardware will automatically correct each eye image separately on every frame. We recommend performing a few validation measurements to verify you are achieving the desired output. Make adjustments as needed.
MATLAB Example
function helloWorldRB3D()
% Initialize PROPixx
% Initialize Psychtoolbox window
screenNumber = max(Screen('Screens'));
[windowPtr, rect] = PsychImaging('OpenWindow', screenNumber, 0);
% Initialize stimuli
helloText = 'Hello';
worldText = 'World';
% You can modify the per eye crosstalk values here.
% Proportion left eye 'leak' into right eye
Datapixx('SetPropixx3DCrosstalkLR', 0);
% Proportion right eye 'leak' into left eye
Datapixx('SetPropixx3DCrosstalkRL', 0);
% Start loop drawing the message
while true
%Select red channel while locking others (prevents overwriting colours)
Screen('BlendFunction', windowPtr, GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, [1 0 0 0]);
DrawFormattedText(windowPtr, helloText, 'center', 'center', [255,0,0]);
%Select blue channel while locking others (prevents overwriting colours)
Screen('BlendFunction', windowPtr, GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, [0 0 1 0]);
DrawFormattedText(windowPtr, worldText, 'center', 'center', [0,0,255]);
Screen('Flip', windowPtr);
[~, ~, keyCode] = KbCheck;
if keyCode(KbName('Escape'))
% Close the Psychtoolbox window
function initializePROPixx()
% All VPixx hardware commands to set the right mode for the PROPixx
Datapixx('SetPropixxDlpSequenceProgram', 1);
function closePROPixx()
% Return to defaults and shut down
Datapixx('SetPropixxDlpSequenceProgram', 0);
Python Example
from psychopy import visual
from psychopy.hardware import keyboard
from pypixxlib import _libdpx as dp
def hello_world_rb3d():
screenNumber = 1
# Initialize PROPixx
# Initialize keyboard
kb = keyboard.Keyboard()
# Set up PsychoPy window
win = visual.Window(fullscr=True, color=(-1, -1, -1), screen=screenNumber, units='pix')
# Define crosstalk
# Define the stimuli text
hello_text = visual.TextStim(win, text='Hello', color=(1, -1, -1),height = 60) # Red
world_text = visual.TextStim(win, text='World', color=(-1, -1, 1),height = 60) # Blue
# Main loop to draw the text
while True:
# Draw "Hello" in red
# Draw "World" in blue
# Flip window to show both texts
# Check for exit key
keys = kb.getKeys()
if 'escape' in keys:
# Close the PsychoPy window
def set_crosstalk_right_eye(crosstalk):
# Set amount left eye leaks into right eye (range 0-1).
def set_crosstalk_left_eye(crosstalk):
# Set ammount right eye leaks into left eye (range 0-1).
def initialize_propixx():
# Initialize Propixx hardware
def close_propixx():
# Close Propixx hardware and reset
dp.DPxSetPPxDlpSeqPgrm('RGB 120Hz')
# Run the function
Summary of Different 3D Modes Available with the PROPixx
Maximum Refresh
Best Used For:
Frame-sequential stereo
Temporally interleave left/right eye images
Up to 60 Hz/eye
Simple 3D applications where no frame drops are present
Frame-sequential stereo with Blue Lines
Temporally interleave left/right eye images, blue line used to encode polarization assignment