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Basic digital to analog converters

In this demo, we set the DAC to different voltages (their maximum, minimum and then zero). The argument channelVoltages of Datapixx('SetDacVoltages', channelVoltages); must be a 2 dimensions matrix with information: [channel numbers; channel voltages].

function DatapixxDacBasicDemo()
% DatapixxDacBasicDemo()
% Demonstrates basic function of the DATAPixx digital to analogue converters.
% Prints the output voltage range of all channels, then waits for keypresses to
% set all channels to their minimum, then maximum, then 0V settings.
% Also see: DatapixxDacWaveDemo, DatapixxDacWaveStreamDemo, DatapixxDacWaveDemo
% History:
% Oct 1, 2009  paa     Written
% Oct 29, 2014 dml     Revised 

AssertOpenGL;   % We use PTB-3

% Open Datapixx, and stop any schedules which might already be running
Datapixx('RegWrRd');    % Synchronize DATAPixx registers to local register cache

% Show how many DAC channels are in the Datapixx
nChannels = Datapixx('GetDacNumChannels');
fprintf('\nDATAPixx has %d DAC channels\n\n', nChannels);

% Show the output voltage range for each DAC channel
dacRanges = Datapixx('GetDacRanges');
for channel = 0:nChannels-1
    fprintf('Channel %d output range is %g to %g Volts\n',...
        channel, dacRanges(1, channel+1), dacRanges(2, channel+1));

HitKeyToContinue('\nHit any key to set all channels to their minimum output voltages:');
for channel = 0:nChannels-1
    channelVoltages(1,channel+1) = channel;
    channelVoltages(2,channel+1) = dacRanges(1, channel+1);
Datapixx('SetDacVoltages', channelVoltages);
Datapixx('RegWrRd');    % Synchronize DATAPixx registers to local register cache

HitKeyToContinue('\nHit any key to set all channels to their maximum output voltages:');
for channel = 0:nChannels-1
    channelVoltages(2,channel+1) = dacRanges(2, channel+1);
Datapixx('SetDacVoltages', channelVoltages);
Datapixx('RegWrRd');    % Synchronize DATAPixx registers to local register cache

HitKeyToContinue('\nHit any key to set all channels to 0 Volts:');
for channel = 0:nChannels-1
    channelVoltages(2,channel+1) = 0;
Datapixx('SetDacVoltages', channelVoltages);
Datapixx('RegWrRd');    % Synchronize DATAPixx registers to local register cache

% Job done
fprintf('\n\nDemo completed\n\n');
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