MATLAB Demo Library
Here you find a growing list of demos curated by VPixx staff scientists and developers.
Demos are divided into categories based on their primary focus.
Use the search bar to find specific demos, or browse the menu below.W
Use the search bar to look for specific content or browse the topics below.
Analog I/O Demos
- Acquiring data on the analog to digital converter I
- Acquiring data on the analog to digital converter II
- Basic analog to digital converters
- Basic digital to analog converters
- Synchronizing with the digital to analog converter
- Generating audio with the digital to analog converter
- Streaming audio on the digital to analog converter
TRACKPixx3 Demos
- Recording and plotting fixation data with the TRACKPixx3
- Recording and plotting pursuit data with the TRACKPixx3
- Creating a circular gaze-contingent mask with the TRACKPixx3
- Recording and plotting eye position data from the TRACKPixx3
- Running a free-viewing experiment with the TRACKPixx3
- Creating a dynamic gaze follower with the TRACKPixx3
- Running a simple saccade to target task with data visualization
- Running a simple saccade to target task with analog output of eye position
- Calibrating the TRACKPixx3 and TRACKPixx /Mini in MATLAB