Running a simple saccade to target task with analog output of eye position
This demo requires TRACKPixx Revision 18 or later. You can check for recent firmware updates at
This demo is a version of the eight-trial saccade to target experiment with analog output of left and right x, y eye positions. We use the analog Loopback feature on the DATAPixx3 to read this analog signal on the analog to digital converter. At the end of the demo, we plot this recorded analog output in MATLAB.
On each trial, a fixation cross appears in the center of the screen. At the same time an eye-tracking schedule is started, and we check the IsSubjectFixating
flags and GetEyePosition
to determine when the participant is fixating centrally. After central fixation, a target appears in one of four locations on the screen. Participants must saccade to fixate on the target as quickly as possible. As soon as this target fixation is detected, a 500 ms, full-screen visual mask is displayed and the next trial begins.
At the beginning of the demo there is an optional calibration step. This step calls TPxTrackpixx3CalibrationTesting
, which implements a standard MATLAB TRACKPixx3 calibration script. The tracker must be calibrated for every new participant. We also recommend calibrating after a participant moves away from the chinrest.
function TPxSaccadeToTargetAnalog(initRequired)
% This demo flashes a sequence of targets and tracks saccades to their
% position. It outputs eye position data as an analog signal. We read this
% back to the DATAPixx using the loopback feature and the ADC (analog to
% digital converter) schedule.
% On a given trial, a fixation cross appears. When participants are
% fixating on the cross, a target appears in one of four locations (above,
% below, left, or right). Participants must saccade to the target as
% quickly as possible. When the saccade is complete, a 500ms mask is
% presented, and the next trial begins.
% Targets are circles with high or low luminance (high or low). Each luminance x
% position combination is repeated once, leading to 8 trials. After
% data is collected, data is plotted and output to a .csv file with headers
% for futher analysis
% If initRequired is set to 1, the function first calls
% TPxTrackpixx3CalibrationTesting to connect to the TRACKPixx3 and
% calibrate the tracker. If you are calibrating your own setup, please
% check the calibration function to ensure your settings are correct.
% Most recently tested with:
% -- TRACKPixx3 firmware revision 18
% -- DATAPixx3 firmware revision 19
% -- MATLAB version (R2019a)
% -- Psychtoolbox verison 3.0.15
% -- Datapixx Toolbox version 3.7.5735
% -- Windows 10 version 1903, 64bit
% Oct 07, 2019 lef Written
% Mar 26 2020 lef Revised and updated to reflect new analog outputs
%% Step 1 - Initialize (if needed)
if nargin==0
% Get some user input
fileName= input('Enter participant name: ', 's');
fileID = [fileName '.mat'];
displayWidth = input('Enter width, in cm, of display monitor: ', 's');
displayWidth = str2double(displayWidth);
displayDistance = input('Enter distance, in cm, of participant to display monitor: ', 's');
displayDistance = str2double(displayDistance);
%If a calibration is needed, call the calibration script
if initRequired
fprintf('\nInitialization required\n\nCalibrating the device...');
%Connect to TRACKPixx3
%% Step 2 - Setting up analog output and recording
%For the purpose of this tutorial, we record a copy of the TRACKPixx analog
%output using the DATAPixx loopback feature. This feature allows the user
%to read the 4 DAC analog OUT channels (which are sending eye data) back in
%on the 16 ADC analog IN channels. We can record the ADC analog in using a
%schedule and save it to our trial data structure.
%We will record x, y positions for both eyes
Datapixx('EnableTPxAnalogOut' , 1,3,2,4)
% 1: Left eye screen X
% 2: Right eye screen X
% 3: Left eye screen Y
% 4: Right eye screen Y
% IMPORTANT: "RIGHT" and "LEFT" refer to the right and left eyes shown
% in the console overlay. In tabletop and MEG setups, this view is
% inverted. This means "RIGHT" in our labelling convention corresponds
% to the participant's left eye. Similarly "LEFT" in our convention
% refers to left on the screen, which corresponds to the participant's
% right eye.
% If you are using an MRI setup with an inverting mirror, "RIGHT" will
% correspond to the participant's right eye.
%Next, we set up our analog input recording. We record using a schedule
%that stores analog data in a buffer on the DATAPixx. At the end of each
%trial we will copy this data over to our computer.
%The 4 DAC channel outputs are split across the 16 ADC input channels as follows:
% -DAC0 drives ADC0/2/4/6/8/10/12/14
% -DAC1 drives ADC1/3/5/7/9/11/13/15
% -DAC2 drives REF0
% -DAC3 drives REF1
%So we can record from ADC0 and ADC1 to get DAC0 (left eye X) and DAC1
%(left eye Y). To get DAC2 (right eye X), we record ADC2 in "differential"
%mode, where the input is subtracted from REF0. We can add the
%non-differential value of ADC0 to this data, to get the value of REF0. We
%do the same for and DAC3 (right eye Y) with ADC 3 and REF1. See the
%documentation of 'SetAdcSchedule' for more information about differential
channelsToRecord = [0, 1, 2, 3];
modes = [0, 0, 2, 3]; % 0 is no differential, 2 is with reference to REF0, 3 is with reference to REF1
channelData = [channelsToRecord; modes];
%set some other schedule settings
samplesPerSecond = 2000; %Tracker refresh rate is 2kHz
delay = 0;
maxScheduleFrames = 200000; % stop recording after 10 seconds. No trial should exceed this amount of time.
%set up our schedule
Datapixx('SetAdcSchedule', delay, samplesPerSecond, maxScheduleFrames, channelData);
Datapixx('DisableAdcFreeRunning'); % stops the schedule from continuously recording at its highest sampling rate; see documentation
%we will also record TRACKPixx output in a schedule so we can
%use it to check flags during a trial
%write all commands to the DATAPixx device register
%% Step 3 - Saccade to target task
%Set experiment parameters
maskPresentationTime = 0.5;
fixationPresentationTime = 0.5;
margin = 35; % +/- margin of error, in pixels, within which the eyes can be considered in position
%open window
Screen('Preference', 'SkipSyncTests', 1 );
screenID = 2; %change to switch display
[windowPtr, rect]=Screen('OpenWindow', screenID, [0,0,0]);
pixelSize = displayWidth/rect(4);
Screen('BlendFunction', windowPtr, 'GL_SRC_ALPHA', 'GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA');
%describe targets and target locations
dotRadius = 20;
luminances = [1, 25,25,25;... %dark
2, 250, 250, 250]; %light
radius = 300;
center = rect(3:4)/2;
locations = [1, center(1), center(2)-radius;... %top (in screen coordinates)
2, center(1)+radius, center(2);... %right
3, center(1), center(2)+radius;... %bottom
4, center(1)-radius, center(2)]; %left
%generate a stimuli list with target characteristics for each trial, and
%shuffle the order
numTargets = size(luminances(:,1),1);
numLocations = size(locations(:,1),1);
numReps = 1;
numTrials = numTargets*numLocations*numReps;
stimuli = [];
for s = 1:numTargets
for k = 1:numLocations
for m = 1:numReps
stimuli = [stimuli; luminances(s,:), locations(k, :)];
stimuli=stimuli(randperm(size(stimuli,1)),:); %shuffle
%create a structure to hold our trial data
trials = struct('Trial', [],...
'Target', [],...
'TargetLocation', [],...
'TrialStart', [],...
'EyeData', []);
%show instructions to participant
Screen('DrawLine', windowPtr, [255,255,255], center(1) + 8, center(2), center(1)-8, center(2), 2);
Screen('DrawLine', windowPtr, [255,255,255], center(1), center(2)+8, center(1), center(2)-8, 2);
text_to_draw = ['SACCADE TO TARGET EXPERIMENT:\n\nStare at the cross in the middle of the screen.'...
'\nAs soon as you see a dot appear, move your eyes to look at it as quickly as possible!\n\nPress any key to start.'];
DrawFormattedText(windowPtr, text_to_draw, 'center', 700, 255);
Screen('Flip', windowPtr);
%wait for participant to continue
[~, ~, ~] = KbPressWait;
Screen('Flip', windowPtr);
start_time = Datapixx('GetTime');
for k=1:numTrials
trials(k).Trial = k;
trials(k).Target = stimuli(k,1:4);
trials(k).TargetLocation = stimuli(k,5:7);
%draw fixation cross
Screen('DrawLine', windowPtr, [255,255,255], center(1) + 8, center(2), center(1)-8, center(2), 2);
Screen('DrawLine', windowPtr, [255,255,255], center(1), center(2)+8, center(1), center(2)-8, 2);
Screen('Flip', windowPtr);
trials(k).TrialStart = Datapixx('GetTime');
%start logging eye data from the TRACKPixx. We will use this to
%determine when the target should be presented, and when the trial is
%wait until subject is fixating on fixation cross
while 1
%get new eye data
%check for a fixation
[lFlag, rFlag] = Datapixx('IsSubjectFixating');
if lFlag && rFlag
[xScreenRight, yScreenRight, xScreenLeft, yScreenLeft, ~, ~, ~, ~, ~] = Datapixx('GetEyePosition');
%convert screen coordinates in VPixx coordinates (origin in middle of
%screen) to Psychtoolbox Screen coordinates (origin in top left)
fixationLocs = Datapixx('ConvertCoordSysToCustom', [xScreenRight, yScreenRight; xScreenLeft, yScreenLeft]);
%confirm fixation is on cross in Psychtoolbox Screen coordinates
if inpolygon(fixationLocs(1,1), fixationLocs(1,2), [center(1)-margin, center(1)+margin] , [center(2)-margin, center(2)+margin])...
&& inpolygon(fixationLocs(2,1), fixationLocs(2,2), [center(1)-margin, center(1)+margin] , [center(2)-margin, center(2)+margin])
%draw target
colour = trials(k).Target(2:4);
x = trials(k).TargetLocation(2);
y = trials(k).TargetLocation(3);
Screen('FillOval', windowPtr, colour, [x-dotRadius, y-dotRadius, x+dotRadius, y+dotRadius]);
%Start collecting analog data as soon as the target appears
Screen('Flip', windowPtr);
%Now that the target has been shown, start a while loop to repeatedly
%check to see if participant is fixating on the target
while 1
%get new eye data
%check for a fixation
[lFlag, rFlag] = Datapixx('IsSubjectFixating');
if lFlag && rFlag
[xScreenRight, yScreenRight, xScreenLeft, yScreenLeft, ~, ~, ~, ~, ~] = Datapixx('GetEyePosition');
%convert screen coordinates in VPixx coordinates (origin in middle of
%screen) to Psychtoolbox Screen coordinates (origin in top left)
fixationLocs = Datapixx('ConvertCoordSysToCustom', [xScreenRight, yScreenRight; xScreenLeft, yScreenLeft]);
%confirm fixation is on target in Psychtoolbox Screen coordinates
if inpolygon(fixationLocs(1,1), fixationLocs(1,2), [x-margin, x+margin] , [y-margin, y+margin])...
&& inpolygon(fixationLocs(2,1), fixationLocs(2,2),[x-margin, x+margin] , [y-margin, y+margin])
%Stop all recording
%create and show visual mask - mask is a full-screen display of 5 pixel wide squares
%with a random grayscale value.
squaresize = 5;
numsquares=[rect(4)/squaresize, rect(3)/squaresize];
pattern = rand([numsquares, 1])*128;
mask = imresize(pattern, squaresize, 'nearest');
textureIndex=Screen('MakeTexture', windowPtr, mask);
Screen('DrawTexture', windowPtr, textureIndex);
Screen('Flip', windowPtr);
%read in analog eye data
status = Datapixx('GetAdcStatus');
toRead = status.newBufferFrames;
[adcData, adcTimetags] = Datapixx('ReadAdcBuffer', toRead);
%save eye data from trial as a table in the trial structure
trials(k).EyeData = array2table([adcTimetags', adcData'], 'VariableNames', {'TimeTag', 'LeftXRaw', 'LeftYRaw', 'RightXRawDiff', 'RightYRawDiff'});
%reset the analog buffer
Datapixx('SetAdcSchedule', delay, samplesPerSecond, maxScheduleFrames, channelData);
%interim save
save(fileID, 'trials');
%Finish presentation
finish_time = Datapixx('GetTime');
%% Step 4 - Process our data
fprintf('\nRecording lasted %f seconds', finish_time-start_time);
fprintf('\nProcessing... ');
%Data processing steps
% 1 - Calculate right eye x and y positions by isolating REF0 and REF1
% 2 - Convert x, y positions and diameter into degrees of visual angle
% 3 - Create a "proportionOfTrial" variable for plotting purposes
%1 - Caculate right X and right Y by isolating the value of REF0 and REF1 on each sample.
%We have saved output from 1) ADC0 and 2) REF0 - ADC2, so we can calculated REF0
%Similarly, we have 1) ADC3 and 2) REF1 - ADC3, so we can get REF1
for k = 1:numel(trials)
trials(k).EyeData = addvars(trials(k).EyeData, nan(height(trials(k).EyeData), 1), nan(height(trials(k).EyeData), 1), 'NewVariableNames', {'RightXRaw', 'RightYRaw'}, 'Before', 'RightXRawDiff');
for s = 1:height(trials(k).EyeData)
rightX = trials(k).EyeData.LeftXRaw(s) + trials(k).EyeData.RightXRawDiff(s);
trials(k).EyeData.RightXRaw(s) = rightX;
rightY = trials(k).EyeData.LeftYRaw(s) + trials(k).EyeData.RightYRawDiff(s);
trials(k).EyeData.RightYRaw(s) = rightY;
% 2 - Convert x, y positions into degrees of visual angle.
% First, we convert the analog voltage into screen coordinates by
% multiplying the voltage by the number of pixels/volt. The ratio is 1V =
% 819.67 pixels for X coordinates, and 409.6 pixels for Y coordinates.
% Then we calculate the degrees of visual angle based on the pixel size (in
% cm) and the distance of the viewer to the display (in cm).
for k = 1:numel(trials)
trials(k).EyeData = addvars(trials(k).EyeData, nan(height(trials(k).EyeData), 1),...
nan(height(trials(k).EyeData), 1),...
nan(height(trials(k).EyeData), 1),...
nan(height(trials(k).EyeData), 1),...
'NewVariableNames', {'LeftX', 'LeftY', 'RightX', 'RightY'});
for s = 1:height(trials(k).EyeData)
for m = 2:5
voltage = trials(k).EyeData{s,m};
%convert voltage to screen coordinates by multiplying by pixels/volt
switch m
case 2; screenCoordinates = voltage * 819.67;
case 4; screenCoordinates = voltage * 819.67;
case 3; screenCoordinates = voltage * 409.575;
case 5; screenCoordinates = voltage * 409.575;
%convert screenCoordinates to degrees of visual angle
degrees = 2 * atand((screenCoordinates*pixelSize)/(2*displayDistance));
col = m+6;
trials(k).EyeData{s,col} = degrees;
% 3 - For plotting purposes, create a column with proportion of trial time
for k = 1:numel(trials)
trials(k).EyeData = addvars(trials(k).EyeData, nan(height(trials(k).EyeData), 1),...
'NewVariableNames', 'ProportionTrial', 'After', 'TimeTag');
trialStart = trials(k).EyeData.TimeTag(1);
trialDuration = trials(k).EyeData.TimeTag(end)- trialStart;
for s = 1:height(trials(k).EyeData)
trials(k).EyeData.ProportionTrial(s) = (trials(k).EyeData.TimeTag(s)- trialStart)/trialDuration;
save(fileID, 'trials');
%% Step 5 - Make some plots
% We create two figures, one for each target
% Each plots shows the X, Y and time as a 3-dimensional plot
numCols = 2;
numRows = 2;
for m = 1:numTargets
for k = 1:numel(trials)
if trials(k).Target(1) == m
subplot(numRows, numCols, trials(k).TargetLocation(1));
plot3(trials(k).EyeData.ProportionTrial, trials(k).EyeData.LeftX, trials(k).EyeData.LeftY, 'm');
hold on
plot3(trials(k).EyeData.ProportionTrial, trials(k).EyeData.RightX, trials(k).EyeData.RightY, 'c');
zlabel('Y position (degrees)');
ylim([-15, 15]);
ylabel('X position (degrees)');
xlabel('Proportion of trial');
legend({'Left Eye', 'Right Eye'}, 'Location', 'southoutside' );
titleText=['Trial ' int2str(k) 'Analog output for target ' int2str(trials(k).Target(1)) ' location ' int2str(trials(k).TargetLocation(1))];
%% Step 6 - Write data to csv for subsequent analysis
rawResults = table();
for k = 1:numel(trials)
newTrial = trials(k).EyeData;
newTrial.TrialNumber = repmat(trials(k).Trial, [height(newTrial), 1]);
newTrial.Target = repmat(trials(k).Target(1), [height(newTrial), 1]);
newTrial.TargetLocation = repmat(trials(k).TargetLocation(1), [height(newTrial), 1]);
newTrial.TrialStart = repmat(trials(k).TrialStart, [height(newTrial), 1]);
newTrial = newTrial(:, [5:end, 1:4]);
rawResults = [rawResults; newTrial];
csvFileID = [fileName '_Results.csv'];
writetable(rawResults, csvFileID);