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Introduction to Eye Tracking with the TRACKPixx3

This VOCAL serves as an introduction to the TRACKPixx3 2 kHz binocular eye tracker and its output. It is geared towards new users of the TRACKPixx3 and those interested in learning more about the device.

We will start with a general explanation of TRACKPixx3 functionality, and discuss the format of the tracking data it provides. Next, we will go through a step-by-step implementation of a single-trial free image viewing task in MATLAB/Psychtoolbox. Finally, we’ll do some basic plotting of our gaze data, overlaid onto the viewed image.

For those wishing to follow along in MATLAB, the full code, supplementary material and some sample data can be downloaded here. You will need to have VPixx software tools installed, and your Psychtoolbox’s Datapixx.mex file should be updated with the one provided by the software install. For more details on installing our toolbox, see our installation guide. 


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