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Perform basic interactions with your data acquisition device

After installing Psychtoolbox and the DATAPixx toolbox, launch MATLAB. After a brief overview of important DATAPixx toolbox functions, you will be prompted to open a pre-existing MATLAB script containing a basic stimulus loop. 

This file is included in the downloaded materials from this session, and is called  IntroRPx_StimulusSetup.m.

If you run the script before completing the tutorial, you will only see a static grey image, visible for a short period of time.

When you execute IntroRPx_StimulusSetup.m before completing the tutorial, the white and black squares alternate too rapidly to be individually perceived. At this stage, you will only see a static grey image, visible for a short period of time.

For more information on registers and register commands, please see our Guide to Registers and Schedules.

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