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Record Response Times With a RESPONSEPixx Button Box

This video guide is an introduction to the RESPONSEPixx  button box, using a data acquisition and synchronization system from VPixx Technologies and our MATLAB-compatible API. Use scripting to cue and record button presses, and to calculate response times relative to a key video event. 

Button presses recorded with a RESPONSEPixx button box and a data acquisition device from VPixx Technologies are synchronized with microsecond precision to video refresh.

Button presses recorded with a RESPONSEPixx button box and a data acquisition device from VPixx Technologies are synchronized with microsecond precision to video refresh.

The guide first includes a presentation of the construction and functionality of our electronic RESPONSEPixx button boxes and their connection with data acquisition devices, including the DATAPixx, PROPixx, VIEWPixx and VIEWPixx/3D.  MATLAB-compatible scripts are provided, and it is possible to follow along the video instruction.

After watching a presentation on the construction and functionality of the RESPONSEPixx, we will write a script in MATLAB that is able to record button presses during a reaction time experiment. We will write the script in three sections and learn key concepts along the way.

  1. Perform basic interactions with your data acquisition device.

  2. Record and use a digital input log.

  3. Restrict recording to specific button presses and cue participants to valid response choices.

Support material can be downloaded here: VOCAL_RT_RESPONSEPixx


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