Introduction to the LabMaestro User Interface
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LabMaestro is a cohesive desktop software application that integrates all of the functionality required to set up VPixx hardware, design and run vision experiments, and perform basic data visualization. The default layout offers rapid access to each of LabMaestro’s core functionalities.

Screenshot from LabMaestro Public Beta 1.6.0
A - Project Panel
In the Project Panel, users see an overview of a LabMaestro project, stored in LabMaestro Projects Files (*.lm) . For each project, this section summarizes the Experiment Design , the Environment required for the experiment, and any data recorded during the experiment can be explored with Recordings and Built-In Data Visualization. LabMaestro Project Templates, Tutorials, and Demos provide several example project files to familiarize users with important features of the software.
B - Timeline Workspace
The Timeline Workspace presents a visual representation of overview of selected Timelines and Epochs , allowing users to see, at a glance, how Flow Control Within Timelines dictate how the experiment will be executed at runtime. The workspace automatically displays a scaled, static representation of the selected epoch, but also features a 'Play Timeline' that previews the real-time execution of the current timeline.
C- Timeline Window
The Timeline Window is where you create and manage a sequence of components, which are organized in epochs. LabMaestro processes Epochs from left to right and executes each component within an epoch from top to bottom.
An epoch serves as a container for a group of Components. Epochs are used to visually and functionally group components. Users can include any number of epochs in a timeline. Each epoch header features a reactive thumbnail that shows a preview of visual components present within the epoch.
D- Component Library
The Component Library contains the Components that the user can insert into their Epochs. These components are the functional elements that will allow users to create visual and auditory stimuli, collect participant inputs, initiate eye-tracking data collection, and more. Adding a component from the library to a timeline will create a component with default values used for all user-definable properties.
E- Properties Window
The properties window is critical to the customization of the behaviour and appearance of components. It displays information about the currently selected component. For example, visual region components all have size, center, and rotation properties. Properties modified in this panel are saved in LabMaestro Projects Files (*.lm) .
F- Variables Panel
This panel lists the name and current values of variables that are accessible at the level of the select timeline. Variables can be global, like Time , or defined locally by a Methods or Timelines . The current values are used in the timeline workspace and play timelines. Values written in this panel are neither maintained at runtime nor stored permanently as part of the project, but provide a useful reminder of variables which may be used in Expressions to further customize component properties.