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Choosing the Right VIEWPixx

VPixx currently manufactures two models of calibrated research-grade displays: The VIEWPixx /3D, and the VIEWPixx /EEG. If you are wondering about the differences between these models, and which one is best suited to your research goals, this guide is for you. 

The VIEWPixx 12-bit monitor has been discontinued as of January 2024. For more details, contact

We will start with an introduction to some of the general features of our displays, including the temporal response profile and data I/O and synchronization features. We will end with a side-by-side comparison of the displays and a summary of their strengths and intended use.

This guide serves as a broad overview of features and functionality. For full technical specifications of the three displays, click on the images below to view their detailed product pages and datasheets.

Technical questions can also be directed to our team of staff scientists (, who are happy to provide one-on-one consultation about your research needs. 


Further reading

Elze, T. (2010). Achieving precise display timing in visual neuroscience experiments. Journal of neuroscience methods191(2), 171-179.

Elze, T., & Tanner, T. G. (2012). Temporal properties of liquid crystal displays: Implications for vision science experiments. PloS one7(9), e44048.

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